Paint Exuberant Flowers
Create Beauty & Discover Joy in the Margins of Life with Splatter-Style Art
J O I N   U S   T O D A Y 
Does this sound
like you?
- You know you need some sort of creative outlet, but it feels like you don't have the time (or energy).
- It feels like it would take too long to actually get anything of substance done when you do pull out the paints.
- You have your watercolors somewhere, but it's been forever since you used them.
- Indulging in painting feels selfish when the to-do list is never ending.
- You don't know where to begin again.
- Even though you've painted in the past, it feels rusty.
- You've been painting, but your creative "voice" feels stagnant. But you're not sure how to get re-energized about watercolors again. The last painting is still sitting, half-completed, on your painting board.
I started "splatter painting" after a friend sent me a gorgeous acrylic painting of a field of flowers. The artist had placed layer after layer of paint on the canvas, then finished up with splatters, representing the hundreds of wild flowers in the field.

My watercolors and pad of paper sat on the table, looking at me with longing.

Art supplies don't like to collect dust and mine had a layer!

Acrylic and watercolor paints work very differently, but I couldn't quite get the idea out of my mind...could I create quick, energetic, lively floral art by splattering the paint all over? It looked doable, but there was something more.

It looked fun.
I had to try.

The year was 2017 and I was rebuilding my life after a lot of stuff. It felt like the "stuff" was all encompassing and while I was thankful for the rebuilding going on, my heart and mind were longing for some creative outlet.

There was not a lot of margin in my life for creative fun and yet I knew, I KNEW, I needed some way to do a bit of creative work, to play with paint and color and create SOMETHING.

I'm the first to tell you, I'm not terribly into "self-care." I exercise, eat healthy (most of the time) and all of that, but doing things for "me" is not something I've really pursued. It's part of my temperament and part of how I see the world, I suppose. Like many women, I have a lot of joy and sense of purpose helping others vs. prioritizing myself.
There's something to be said about filling up one's well.
Maybe I needed to re-think how I was living.

Turns out, I don't need a ton of time to have the well of my heart and mind re-filled.

Fifteen minutes a day, a few times a week, maybe a few longer sessions here and there.

There's something about creating something with my own hands and paint palette that is so refreshing. It doesn't have to be big or impressive or fancy or complicated.

I'm not trying to win awards or do something new or anything like that.
Give me some paint and fifteen minutes (or maybe an hour once a week or once a month) and the frustrations and stress start diminishing.
An hour with my paints and flowers is like a good conversation with a friend. It fills up my heart and spirit and propels me forward. I can live off that energy for a few weeks.
That was how Painting Exuberant Flowers was born. It was me creating flowers with splatters, almost completely skipping over the process of sketching (which saves A TON of time) and getting right to what I love: watching color splash over the watercolor paper and directing the colors with a brush to create gorgeous, luscious, beautiful, exuberant flowers.
How does this sound?
Seven Sessions of painting gorgeous, splatter art including zinnias, sunflowers, wildflowers, hydrangeas, lupines, and more!
Learn how to "see" flowers from a floral artist's perspective
Instant access to the entire course so you can go at your own pace and in any order you want!
Bonus! Watercolor Refresh (for those new to the medium)
Bonus! Paint a Small Home, Splatter Art Style. This home sings of the end of summer with a longing for autumn colors and leaves. A perfect way to merge into the next season.
Yes! I'm ready!
hey there!
I'm Melissa,
the artist behind
Paint Exuberant Flowers
A few times a week, I'd set aside about fifteen minutes to paint in the morning before leaving for work. I've been a morning person for some time, so it wasn't hard to re-adjust a little, move through the morning routine and get a layer of splattering in. Then I'd practically levitate on my way to the car, ready to face the day ahead of me. I'm ready for you to experience this too. 
Will you join me in exeriencing this transformation?
How could a few minutes a day & fun, spontaneous painting change your life?
Maybe it won't change your life :)
But it may change your day, the way you see the world, the way you see your own gifts and abilities.
And those "small" changes can change a lot!
When I realized I...
- did have time to create
- did have the ability to paint in the margins
- could create really fun and lively flower art that I loved
- could start to feel a bit creative & spunky again
I changed.
Not in huge ways, but in small ways. Important ways. I let go of negative stuff because I was filling my mind and heart with fun, creative stuff.
How about you?
What small change would you make to your schedule or activities to get some fun, playful, creative time back into your life?
Okay, are you ready?
Would you commit less than 20 minutes three times a week for six weeks to create a collection of gorgeous art and rediscover the fun of creating in the margins?
Whether you have a handful of littles in diapers or a full-time career (or both!), you can create beauty and have fun with only a handful of minutes.

Even if you haven't painted in years – or ever – you'll create gorgeous, fun, and spontaneous florals with minutes of instruction and hardly any sketching.

If the idea of getting right to creating floral art without a lot of prep work is appealing to you- check out this course! You'll love the fast, unstructured flow of splattering and using the splatters to create gorgeous florals.

As you work, you'll refine your eye and ability to see the distinct details of each flower.

You won't see hydrangeas, lupins, sunflowers, or even a bunch of wildflowers the same again!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to buy new watercolors for this course?

Splatter art includes layering colors together. We use a variety of colors to create a sense of depth and distinctiveness. Watercolors tend to "dance" best with certain watercolors more than others. If you have watercolors, most likely you have several of the colors we'll use in the course.

Essential colors include: cadmium yellow, lemon yellow, phthalo blue, crimson rose OR permanent pink, cadmium red (light), hookers green (light) OR permanent green.

Optional colors include: cadmium orange, dioxazine purple, yellow ochre, and ultramarine blue
How much experience do I need to take this course?
If you've played with watercolors, it will be helpful, but it's not essential (see notes below).
What if I've never painted before?
It helps to be familiar with the way watercolor works. Watercolor is a unique medium, quite different from other mediums.

I think it has many benefits including being highly economical (the paint rarely goes bad and it doesn't stain your clothes!) and rather forgiving.

To encourage those apprehensive about jumping into the medium, I include a "Watercolor Refresher" course to help participants get comfortable with the medium. We'll go through how to know when a piece is getting "muddy" and how to fix perceived errors.

By the end of Exuberant Florals, each participant will be VERY familiar with watercolor. We exploit the medium in all the best ways, using watercolors strengths to our advantage.
How long will each painting take to complete?
Lessons are broken down into approximately three sessions, ranging from 8-18 minutes each.

It's important to allow the paint splatters to dry before applying another layer of splatters. This method makes it ideal to create in the margins.

Each piece can be completed in forty five minutes or less (not including dry time).
In less than an hour a week, you'll have a full painting completed!

In a month, enough paintings to frame and fill a desktop, enhance a gallery wall, or create as a gift for friends!
Who is this course aimed for?
Two groups of people. The first group includes people who are short on time and need. Some. Creative. Outlet. This course is designed to fulfill that desire and allow the participant to finish art pieces in short bursts of time.

Second, this course is also aimed at people who want to become a bit less structured in their painting.
Painting Exuberant Florals: Create Beauty and Discover Joy in the Margins is a great way to loosen up one's painting style and find a more free and flowing way of creating gorgeous art.
Is this abstract art?
Not really. You'll know exactly what flower you've painted when you are done! We are trying to paint flowers to look like their essence. So, we won't paint the two hundred small flowers that make up a hydrangea's head, but no one will have any doubt of what it is when we are finished!

Warning: This is NOT a formal class that teaches how to paint flowers in a botanical style. Think of this as the impressionists meets Jackson Pollack.

We will take a macro look at flowers. From the essence, we'll splatter our way to splendid floral creations. It may not be the floral art your grandmother painted, but it is fun, easy and the perfect way to launch yourself into a world of creative joy!
Are you ready to be reenergized? 
Questions? Email [email protected]
Someone will get back to you within 24 hours (48 hours on the weekend!)
© The Creative Season 2021
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