Paint & Pray through Psalm 91
Discover how the simple practice of painting flowers can open your heart and mind to the psalms and more focused times of prayer.
Use your creative gifts and hobbies as a way to study and pray through Psalm 91.
Painting is a wonderful way to calm the inner chatter and concerns of the day.
Just like taking a quiet walk, painting lovely, simple flowers helps quiet the heart and mind. 
We now can focus our attention and love on Jesus and His word as we talk and listen with Him.
I share a short devotional before each painting session. Finish the session with a time of prayer and journaling on your own (prompts provided).
Included in this "taster" session is the "Start Here" session. You'll hear the heart of this journey + access the Artist Guide and the supply list.
Enter your email below for instant access to this self-paced online workshop.
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