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24 Jul 2024
A new YT series, painting sunflowers, and how a beloved J.R.R. Tolkien quote is relevant for this year
9 Jul 2024
A 5-step guide to painting and praying through your favorite psalm, or the one that is resonating with your soul this season
13 Jun 2024
9 Ideas to relax in summer creating, explore new projects, discover pockets of time for fun, and enjoy the sweet gifts of the season
17 May 2024
Why learning to paint watercolor portraits of flowers can fast track your skills as an artist (and it's a lot of fun!).
26 Apr 2024
Images of the new {!} art collection, Vision: A Gathering of Hydrangeas
13 Apr 2024
How Hydrangeas Inspired a Season of Painting + Rediscovering Seeds of Vision in Your Life
29 Mar 2024
Painting a Watercolor Sketch / Silent Saturday
23 Mar 2024
5 Tips on Finding a Rhythm to Create in the Margins & How I Started Writing in the Mornings
21 Mar 2024
How to Create, Paint, Write or Start any Creative Endeavor with 20 minutes a day a few times a week
5 Mar 2024
The transition between winter and spring can be frustrating as the weather shifts (plus all the puddles and dirty snow!) But this transition time can be a time of preparation, beauty, and dreaming of what is to come. Journal guide included inside...
6 Feb 2024
Winter has never been my favorite season, but this year I'm discovering its gifts...and the invitation. Feeling a bit weary? Worn down by the winter season? What would a season of embracing the gifts of winter do for your heart, body, and soul?
5 Jan 2024
How slowly reading, praying, and painting through Psalm 143 helped me out of a dark season
28 Dec 2023
Resting and finding renewal (and some joy!) in celebrating Christmastide / advice for the creatives who are tired post Christmas
5 Dec 2023
How the "keepers of Christmas" can stay energized, avoid burnout & experience the joy of the season as they serve and gather during December
29 Nov 2023
A 15 Watercolor Project each week for the Season of Advent in 2023
29 Nov 2023
Seven Ideas to Slow Down the Pace and Make Christmas Week Cozy & Cheerful
4 Nov 2023
A simple and relaxing watercolor project to reflect on 2023 and record the gifts and blessings of the year.
21 Oct 2023
Ideas and Inspiration to finish a few things before the end of 2023. Fall provides the energy and atmosphere to finish our year well. What few things could you complete before the year ends?
24 Aug 2023
The two lessons summer teaches over and over again.
California, United States
The Creative Season © 2021

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